Blackjack Forum Snyder
Arnold Snyder, a talented gambler and author of several books on gambling, was among the first members of the Blackjack Hall of Fame. Arnold Snyder is famous not only for his successful performances and a range of innovations introduced to blackjack gambling but also among blackjack fans as a great teacher. Arnold Snyder runs his online Blackjack Forum where beginners and experienced players can get professional advice from a master.
Of all materials authored by Arnold Snyder, the most famous is not a book at all, but a regularly updated trade journal known as Blackjack Forum. He first started the quarterly publication in 1981, featuring articles about the profession of gambling, blackjack strategies, specific game approaches and special events. Arnold Snyder is a high-stakes professional gambler who has been writing about casino games for over two decades. He was the publisher and editor of Blackjack Forum, a quarterly journal for professional gamblers, from 1981 through 2006.
Arnold Snyder's first book 'Blackjack Formula' was published in 1980. This book is considered a unique one as it was the first tutorial that explained the importance of deck penetration in blackjack card counting. Card counting interested Arnold Snyder and that is why most of his works were devoted to this topic. He managed to make card counting system much easier. Arnold Snyder is the author of books covering topics on gambling and blackjack games including:
'Big Book of Blackjack'
'Blackbelt in Blackjack'
'The Blackjack Shuffle Tracker's Cookbook: How Players Win (and Why They Lose) with Shuffle Tracking'
'How to Beat the Internet Casinos and Poker Rooms'
'The Poker Tournament Formula'
Arnold Snyder also used to participate in many law cases concerning gambling and appeared in court as a defender as well as a witness.
He wrote many reviews on books about gambling and tested many blackjack strategies that had been created by other authors.
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Shuffle Tracking Series - Blackjack Forum
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Three Blackjack Forum issues by Arnold Synder
It's more powerful than traditional card counting. It's almost impossible to detect.It's 100% legal. Now, in this three-part series in Blackjack Forum, Arnold Snyderreveals the trade secrets of the shuffle trackers. You can get all three issues whichcontain this series -- September and December '94 and March '95 -- right now! It's themost comprehensive course of instruction on shuffle tracking strategies ever madeavailable to the public!
Perhaps you've noticed the complicated shuffles many casinos now employ on theirblackjack tables. These shuffles are not designed to waste time. or to irritate players,but to protect the casinos against the most powerful legal strategy that has ever beendevised to siphon money from 21... SHUFFLE TRACKING...
To protect themselves against 'trackers,' casinos have been hiring high-pricedconsultants, and retraining their pit and security personnel, while electronics andmechanical engineers work feverishly to develop a fully automated shuffling machine thatwill not only produce a truly random shuffle, but that the masses of blackjack playerswill accept.
Arnold Snyder's expose, 'Unlocking the Shuffle: Trade Secrets of the ShuffleTrackers,' will cause more heartburn and ulcers for the casino managers of the worldthan any publication since Ed Thorp penned Beat the Dealer in 1962. Shuffletracking is an advanced form of card counting -- previously known to only a handful ofpros -- immensely powerful strategies the casinos never wanted you to learn. Their shoegames are very vulnerable right now, and now is the time to attack.
This three-issue set of Blackjack Forums contains the shuffle tracking series.Don't delay! Get this information now!
LastUpdate 04/05/05
Blackjack Forum Arnold Snyder
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